
#1 in RC Parkjet Plans

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New PlansParkJets

We just posted a new plan over in our free plan catalog, one of the biggest and most comprehensive on the internet today. The X-Shuttle is from a designer that is just starting to feed Parkjets some plans, so we look forward to getting more online soon. 

The X-Shuttle is a simple form build, with simple formers and a skin over a smooth looking body. The designer put a bunch of LED lights on his and the results are awesome on low light flying. 

The X-Shuttle can move well in the air with plenty of speed, but slows down to a float when the power is cut. An excellent addition to the catalog. 

Now, before it gets too hot outside, get out there and get to building and flying! 


Just a quick notification that we recently updated two of the plans on First, the Concorde SST by Nico Hobbies as well as the SU-47 by Nico Hobbies. I guess some were having some issues with the .zip file. That should be fixed now. And while updating the plans, we noticed an excellent video of the SU-47 on YouTube, so we thought we would share.